The Adobe Experience Manager ACS Commons Generic List facilitates authorable Title / Value pairs that can be used to populate drop downs from a centrally authored location. The functionality of the Generic List is limited to the Title and Value pairs, but there could be other use cases for centrally managed metadata that can be easily chosen from a dropdown. This example will extend the Generic List to manage metadata for organizational units / departments.
The Generic List implementation is final, so not extendable, but the underlying interface only relies on the jcr:title/value pairs to be present. We will use this and add additional fields that we can adaptTo our own implementation. The Generic List was built before the prevalence of Sling Models, so for this example we will try to simplify this by utilizing Sling Models.
This is the Sling Model that will add email and phone values to the existing jcr:title and value fields. It implements GenericList.Item, however this is not strictly required. The mechanisms that populate the dropdown will not use the Department implementation and rely on they underlying jcr:title & value fields and utilize the ACS implementation.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jcr:rootxmlns:cq=""xmlns:jcr=""xmlns:nt=""jcr:primaryType="cq:Dialog"title="Department - Generic List Item"xtype="panel"><itemsjcr:primaryType="cq:WidgetCollection"><titlejcr:primaryType="cq:Widget"fieldLabel="Title"name="./jcr:title"xtype="textfield"/><valuejcr:primaryType="cq:Widget"fieldDescription="This is typically the text used internally or for URL generation"fieldLabel="Value"name="./value"xtype="textfield"/><phonejcr:primaryType="cq:Widget"fieldLabel="Phone"name="./phone"xtype="textfield"/><emailjcr:primaryType="cq:Widget"fieldLabel="Email Address"name="./email"xtype="textfield"/></items><listenersjcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"afterrender="function() { ACS.CQ.GenericListItem.addTitleFields(this); }"/></jcr:root>
Department Helper
The DepartmentHelper provides two methods, one to get a specific Department model given a value. The other to give a List of all of the models.
A department and departments sample components are in the example project.
Department Component
The department component shows how to implement the dialog field to allow an author to choose a department from a dropdown. It then utilizes a WCMUsePojo helper to display the details of the selected department.
We are referencing the ACS genericlist/datasource ui component to populate the dropdown, so this requires jcr:title and value fields be present for each item.
<divclass="cmp-departments"data-sly-use.departmentHelper="com.example.core.genericlist.DepartmentHelper"data-sly-test.departments="${departmentHelper.allDepartments}"data-sly-test.hasDepartments="${departments.size > 0}"><divdata-sly-list.department="${departments}"><h1>${department.title}</h1><ul><li>${}</li><li>${}</li></ul></div></div><h1data-sly-test="${!hasDepartments}">Add departments to the department generic list named <pre>/etc/acs-commons/lists/departments</pre></h1>
Optional Implementation
The example also creates a new template that can be placed under /etc/acs-commons/genericlist and an /etc/designs/acs-genericlist-example design definition that allows our department-generic-list component to be added to that page template. There is also a page component that simply extends the acs genericlist page component to give the design something unique to bind to.
This is optional and the extended generic list item could be allowed through the standard design ui.
This implementation doesn’t consider I18n, and the ACS list seems to do this through the dictionary. If this is a requirement, perhaps moving these out of /etc and into /content/../locale could allow for translations of this metadata as long as the values stayed the same.
Author Bio
Matthew Sullivan is a Senior Lead Architect (AEM) at R2integrated. He has worked in AEM/CQ for 10 years and holds AEM Architect and Developer certifications from Adobe.
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